health tips
Feb 21, 2021

All fibers can slow the absorption of sugar and fat from food, and therefore help preventspikes in blood sugar and blood fat after eating, possibly reducing the inflammatory response to food.
Feb 14, 2021

After the first eye exam, all adults with diabetes should have a dilated eye examevery year, although your doctor may suggest every 2 or 3 years after a normal exam. Examsmay be needed more often than once a year if you have eye problems.
在第一次眼科检查后,所有的成人糖尿病患者应每年进行一次散瞳验光检查,尽管您的医生可能建议在正常检查后每2或3年检查一次。 如果您患有眼疾,一年可能要进行一次以上的检查。
Feb 7, 2021

Foods to Avoid if You Have Gout
Skip foods and drinks that are high in purines to help lower your chances of an attack.
You should stay away from these types of food:
Beer and grain liquors (like vodka and whiskey)
Red meat, lamb, and pork
Organ meats, such as liver, kidneys, and glandular meats like the thymus or pancreas (you may hear them called sweetbreads)
Seafood, especially shellfish like shrimp, lobster, mussels, anchovies, and sardines
High-fructose products like soda and some juices, cereal, ice cream, candy, and fast food
1. 啤酒和谷物酒(伏特加酒和威士忌酒)
2. 红肉,羊肉和猪肉
4. 海鲜,尤其是贝壳类,例如:虾,龙虾,贻贝,凤尾鱼,沙丁鱼等等
5. 苏打水和一些果汁,谷类食品,冰淇淋,糖果和快餐等高果糖产品
Jan 31, 2021

Static shocks are more common when it's cold and dry. This dry, cold air holds less water vapour than warm summer air. So, when you touch something like a metal doorknob or car door, those extra electrons will rapidly leave your body and give you the shock.
寒冷和干燥的情况下,静电冲击更容易产生。 干燥的冷空气比夏季的温暖空气所含的水蒸气少。当你接触金属门把或车门时,这些多余的电子会分离并出现静电现象。
Jan 24, 2021

Spinach is also an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folateas well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron and vitamin B2. Vitamin K is important for maintaining bone health and it is difficult to find vegetables richer in vitamin K than spinach.
Jan 17, 2021

In the current draft recommendation, while continuing to recommend colorectal cancer screening in adults ages 50 to 75 years, the USPSTF now recommends offering screening at age 45 years
在目前的建议草案中,50-75岁的平均风险人群进行大肠癌的筛查。U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)现在建议从45岁时开始接受结肠癌筛查 。
Jan 10, 2021

Teeth whitening (either with over the counter products or an in-office dental treatment) often causes teeth sensitivity. If you do whiten your teeth, use anti-sensitivity toothpaste for a few weeks before and after the bleaching. This is recommended every time you do a touch-up bleaching session as well since the results of whitening disappears after a period of time and needs to be reapplied. @ktmd
Jan 3, 2021

Warm (but not hot) "sitz baths" are a time-honored therapy: Sit in about 3 inches of warm water for 15 minutes or so, several times a day. This helps reduce swelling in the area and relaxes your clenching sphincter muscle. It's especially good after pooping.
Dec 27, 2020

Continuous sucking on a pacifier causes the auditory tubes to become abnormally open, which allows secretions from the throat to seep into the middle ear. This transmission of bacteria in the secretions may lead to middle ear infections.
Dec 20, 2020

Depending on the type of skin you have and the weather conditions of your environment, you may want to moisturize your handsanywhere from one to several times a day. Several light applications tend to be more effective than one heavier application.
Dec 12, 2020

A lack of vitamin B12 damages the myelin sheath that surrounds and protect nerves. Without this protection, nerves cease to function properly and conditions such as peripheral neuropathy occur. Even B12 deficiency that is relatively mild may affect the nervous system and the proper functioning of the brain.
维生素B12可以维护神经髓鞘的功能。缺乏会引起神经障碍、脊髓变性和周围神经炎。严重者会造成中枢神经损害,出现记忆力下降、痴呆等症状。 即便是轻度的B12缺乏症,也会影响神经系统和大脑的正常功能。
Dec 5, 2020

Avoid stone-forming foods: Beets, chocolate, spinach, rhubarb, tea, and most nuts are rich in oxalate, which can contribute to kidney stones
避免某些易形成结石的食物: 甜菜、巧克力, 菠菜, 大黄, 茶,和大多数坚果富含草酸, 可乐富含磷酸盐, 从而导致肾结石。
Nov 29, 2020

UVC lamps used for disinfection purposes may pose potential health and safety risks depending on the UVC wavelength, dose, and duration of radiation exposure.
UVC radiation can cause severe burns (of the skin) and eye injuries (photokeratitis). Avoid direct skin exposure to UVC radiation and never look directly into a UVC light source, even briefly.
Studies have shown that it can be used against other coronaviruses. One study found at least 15 minutes of UVC exposure inactivated SARS, making it impossible for the virus to replicate.
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UVC辐射可导致皮肤严重灼伤和眼睛受伤(光性角膜炎)。 避免皮肤直接暴露于UVC辐射,并且切勿直视UVC光源,即使是短暂的时间。
研究表明, UVC紫外线杀菌灯可用于对抗其他冠状病毒。 有一项研究显示至少使用15分钟的UVC紫外线杀菌灯有效预防SARS,从而使病毒无法复制。
Nov 22, 2020

A healthy bladder can hold one and a half to two cups (300-400mls) of urine (wee) during the day and about four cups (800mls) at night. It is normal to pass urine five or six times a day if you drink between 6-8 glasses of fluid
Nov 15, 2020

Your kidneys act like a filter to remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. Your kidneys filter about 200 quarts of blood each day to make about 1 to 2 quarts of urine. The urine contains wastes and extra fluid. This prevents buildup of wastes and fluid to keep your body healthy.
您的肾脏就像过滤器一样,它不断地滤洗血液, 排出身体内的废物和多余的液体,形成尿液。肾脏每天过滤约200夸脱的血液,并产生约1-2夸脱的尿液。 尿液中含有废物和多余的液体。 这样可以防止废物和液体积聚以保持身体健康。
Nov 8, 2020

Heart failure, sometimes known as congestive heart failure, occurs when your heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should. Certain conditions, such as narrowed arteries in your heart (coronary artery disease) or high blood pressure, gradually leave your heart too weak or stiff to fill and pump efficiently.
Oct 29, 2020

The hemoglobin A1c test tells you your average level of blood sugar over the past 2 to 3 months. It's also called HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin test, and glycohemoglobin.
People who have diabetes need this test regularly to see if their levels are staying within range. It can tell if you need to adjust your diabetes medicines. The A1c test is also used to diagnose diabetes.
A1C测试,也称为HbA1C,血红蛋白A1c,糖化血红蛋白或糖化血红蛋白测试,是一项血液测试,显示去两到三个月的平均血糖水平。 糖化血红蛋白用于诊断和监测糖尿病。糖尿病患者需定期进行此项检查,以查看他们的水平是否保持在范围内,并进行糖尿病药物调整。
Oct 28, 2020

“People who have a history of gum recession and develop spaces between or under their teeth can benefit from using interdental brushes. In additional to flossing, this “miniature toothbrush” used for cleaning between the teeth will help reduce bleeding and plaque accumulation. Use the largest size that will fit between the gaps and not feel uncomfortable for your gums for maximum efficacy.”
齿间刷對有牙龈萎缩病史并在牙齿之间或牙齿下方形成空隙的人们有益。 除了用牙线清洁牙齿外,这种用于清洁牙齿之间的“微型牙刷”将有助于减少出血和牙菌斑的积聚。 应选择适合间隙的最大刷子尺寸并不会感到不适才有功效。
Oct 27, 2020

Keeping skin looking healthy in the winter can be difficult with excessive indoor heating, so to prevent our skin from drying out we can refrain from using excessively hot water during showers and using moisturizer immediately after. Drinking adequate amounts of water throughout each day will also help you look great.
冬季室内的中央供暖系统、壁炉等都会降低环境湿度,令皮肤干燥。 因此,为了防止皮肤干燥,我们应避免长时间热水淋浴,在淋浴后立即使用保湿剂。 每天喝足够量的水也会对皮肤有帮助。
Oct 26, 2020

Walking, biking, swimming, tai chi, yoga, and water aerobics are all good aerobic exercises for people with osteoarthritis. Water exercise is especially ideal because of water's soothing warmth and buoyancy. It's a gentle way to exercise joints and muscles -- plus it acts as resistance to help build muscle strength.